Saturday, November 30, 2019

Was the Assassination at Sarajevo the Most Important Cause of World War 1 free essay sample

Assassination at Sarajevo the most important cause of World War 1? WW1 was announced on 28th July 1914, it was one of the most devastating wars ever to take place with over 16 million deaths. But how could a group of 7 young men known as the Black Hand, cause a war that effected millions of people around the globe. My aim is to find if there are any more causes that may have been overlooked, and in order to do that I must start at the very beginning†¦ The world in the early 1900s was dominated by European powers. From the start of the 18th century European country began to build empires. They did this in order to appear to have greater powers and were in control of more trading paths, not only in Europe but around the world. Many conflicts began due to the ‘scramble for colonies’ – particularly in Africa. A fierce rivalry developed between the European nations. We will write a custom essay sample on Was the Assassination at Sarajevo the Most Important Cause of World War 1? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The British Empire was the largest empire held by a European country. It included Canada, India and Australia. The newly formed (in 1871) Germany had ambitions to be as big and as powerful as Britain, they wanted to have an imperialistic empire. Imperialism is a belief that to be a strong country, you need to have a large empire and this will give great profit to your nation. Also in 1871, Germany defeated France in war. The Germans made the French pay 200 million francs in compensations and give the border territories of Alsace and Lorraine to Germany. The Germans knew that France would look for revenge as soon as possible. To prevent this, Otto von Bismarck (the chancellor and leader) made agreements with other countries so that France would have no allies with which to fight against Germany in the future. In 1882 Germany signed an agreement with Austria-Hungary and Italy, known as the triple alliance. These became nationalist alliances: the belief that loyalty to a persons nation and its political and economic goals comes before any other public loyalty. Nationalism took hold among people who shared a common language, history, or culture. Such people began to view themselves as members a national group or nation. Germany had successfully made alliance with two of the other major powers in Europe. The only possible ally for France if it wanted to attack Germany was Britain. But Britain had no interest in war in Europe. It looked like Bismarck had success fully isolated France and kept Germany safe from attack. One of the reasons Bismarck’s plans came undone was the character of the new Kaiser, Wilhelm II. He was an intelligent man, but also very moody and he lacked diplomatic skills. Bismarck had worked hard to keep France isolated but Wilhelm II quarrelled with Bismarck and dismissed him from office. Then he dialled to renew the agreement with Russia. So Russia turned to France, and in 1894 the two countries signed the Dual Entente (understanding.) France had found an ally. By 1907, Britain had joined the Dual Entente thus making it the Triple Entente. They also promised to help each other’s would they go to war. Germany saw the triple Entente as a threat. In 1905 German generals drew up the Schleiffen Plan- a strategy to defeat an attack by the Entente countries if war broke out. The plan involved quickly defeating France, before attacki ng Russia. The generals thought Russia would take too long to get ready for war, and France was weak, so both would be easily pushed aside. War became almost inevitable by the early 20th century. Many people actually wanted a war at the time but a reason was needed for one to begin In 1904, Kaiser Wilhelm decided to test how strong the Triple Entente was. He knew that France wanted to take control of morocco, so in 1905 he visited the area and made a speech saying he supported the independence of Morocco. The French were furious but had agreed to hold a conference to discuss the matte rat Algeciras in Spain. At that conference Britain and other countries stood by France. They said that although Morocco was independent, France still had special rights I the country. Britain had controlled the seas since the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 and had the most powerful navy in the world. Britain’s trade was wide spread and her huge overseas empire produced great wealth for the country. As long as Britain had the worlds strongest navy, it could make sure that none of the other Great Powers would try to seize part of its empire. In 1898, Kaiser Wilhelm announced that Germany was to start a militaristic method of preparing for war, building 41 battleships and 61 cruisers. This was part of the plan to make sure that Germany could defend itself and protect its growing overseas trade. The Kaisers ambitions caused alarm bells in Britain. Germany was in central Europe and needed a large army to protect its border, so why did it need a large navy? As the British foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey, said in 1909: ‘There is no comparison between the importance of the German navy to Germany and the importance of our navy to us†¦ it is not a matter of life and death to them as it is to us. ’ Whatever Wilhelm’s intentions, Britain saw Germany’s ship building as a threat. Talks were held to try and limit the size of the British and German navies, but they broke down. The in 1906, the game changed. Britain launched the first of a new kind of battleship, HMS Dreadnaught. Germany Responded by building its own ‘dreadnoughts’. The naval race was well and truly on. The Balkans was the spark that truly lit the bonfire. It was a very unstable area with many different nationalities mixed together; the area had been ruled by Turkey for many centuries, but Turkish power was now in decline. The new governments which had been set up in place of Turkish rule often argued with each other. The two great powers, Russia and Austria, bordered the countries in this region and both wanted to control the area because it gave them access to the Mediterranean. In 1908 Austria took over the provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Russia and Serbia protested but they soon backed down when Germany made it clear that it supported Austria and neither Russia nor Serbia was prepared to risk war with Germany over this issue. However, there were some serious consequences. Austria now felt that it would be backed by Germany in future disputes and this made Austria too confident, and encouraged it to make trouble with Serbia and Russia. There was a series of local wars in the Balkan regions called The Balkan Wars from 1912 to 1913 and Serbia emerged as the most powerful country of the region. This was a very serious issue for Austria as Serbia was a close ally to Russia. Austria decided that Serbia would have to be dealt with. By 1914 Austria was looking for a good excuse to crush Serbia. Austria’s opportunity came with the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo†¦ A Serbian terrorist group, called The Black Hand, had decided that the Archduke should be assassinated and the planned visit provided the ideal opportunity. Seven young men who had been trained in bomb throwing and marksmanship were stationed along the route that Franz Ferdinands car would follow from the City Hall to the inspection. The first two terrorists were unable to throw their grenades because the streets were too crowded and the car was travelling quite fast. The third terrorist, a young man called Cabrinovic, threw a grenade which exploded under the car following that of the Archduke. Although the Archduke and his wife were unhurt, some of his attendants were injured and had to be taken to hospital. After lunch at the City Hall, Franz Ferdinand insisted on visiting the injured attendants in hospital. However, on the way to the hospital the driver took a wrong turn. Realising his mistake he stopped the car and began to reverse. Another terrorist, named Gavrilo Princip, stepped forward and fired two shots. The first hit the pregnant Sophia in the stomach, she died almost instantly. The second shot hit the Archduke in the neck. He died a short while later. Although there was no hard evidence that Princip was acting under order form the Serbian government, Austria blamed Serbia and threatened to attack unless Serbia met certain demands. Serbia could not meet them so Austria attacked. As Russia had promised to protect Serbia, it began to prepare for war. Britain mobilised its navy to get ready for war and at the same time Germany declared war on Russia and France for going to war with a member of its alliance. To attack France, Germany invaded neutral Belgium but they had a good army prepared and managed to fight off the German army. It was at this point on the 28th July that Britain declared war on Germany. I think that the assassination of Franz Ferdinand was a strong contender as the most important cause of WWI as it lit the spark of the bomb that had been about to explode, but each of the other causes add to it. I think that Germany’s greed to have more power and money was the main cause as the rest of Europe would not have had to form alliance for battle and waited in such tension with their armies ready to fight for their countries. This militarism was at breaking point until the assassination. Germany’s need for imperialism put all the countries at risk ad made their governments nervous so they felt the need to build their forces. The need for imperialism links with their want of nationalism after winning many countries after war they believed that they could be one of the strongest empires in the world with a united nation. In order to achieve imperialism, they believed they had to use militarism to gain influence. In conclusion, it was the fault of Germany that caused WWI as they wanted complete dominance and authority over the world and had it not started preparing for war by building up troops and alliances, other countries would not have had to either.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Is AP Chemistry Hard 5 Key Factors Considered

Is AP Chemistry Hard 5 Key Factors Considered SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips AP Chemistry is an intimidating subject if you're not familiar with the material. There are all these weird formulas with superscripts and subscripts to remember, and it involves what some students view as an unpleasant amount of math. But is AP Chemistry as hard as it sounds? In this article, I'll examine five different factors to reach a conclusion regarding the true difficulty level of AP Chemistry in comparison with other high-level classes. What Determines the Difficulty of an AP Class? 5 Factors Before we talk about AP Chemistry specifically, what are the main factors that determine how hard (or easy) an AP class is? Let's take a look at the top five. Factor 1: Passing Rate The number of test takers who score 3 or higher on an AP test is a good indication of how difficult the AP class is. If a very high percentage of students earn passing scores, it might mean that the class is less challenging. It might also mean, however, that the particular class attracts higher-achieving students who are extremely well prepared and tend to do better on tests across the board. That’s why, in addition to score averages, we also need to consider the perceptions of students and the actual difficulty of the content. Factor 2: 5 Score Rate Another piece of data that's slightly different from the passing rate is the percentage of students earning 5s (the highest possible score) on the AP test. A large percentage of students may pass an AP test, but if only a small group earns 5s, it usually means that true mastery of the subject is hard to come by. The cutoff for a 5 on most AP tests only requires answering 60-70% of questions correctly, so even a 5 doesn't necessarily represent complete comprehension of the material being tested. Factor 3: Content Difficulty The content covered is, of course, a central factor that affects the difficulty of an AP course. Even if most students pass the exam, the class itself might be challenging because of the amount of ground it covers or because of the complexity of the material. In this case, a high passing rate would indicate that only very driven students take the class, and everyone else shies away from it. Factor 4: How Students Perceive the Class The difficulty of AP classes can also be judged by the way students view them. As I mentioned, some classes with high passing rates owe these statistics to self-selection by high-achieving students. That doesn’t mean that these students think the material is easy, though. They’re just more dedicated to working through challenging concepts. Evidently, student feedback can provide yet another perspective on the difficulty of an AP class. Factor 5: When Students Take the Class If students take the class earlier in high school, they're more likely to perceive it as difficult. If they take it their junior or senior year, on the other hand, they're more likely to feel comfortable with the material. Why? By this time, most students have adapted to their high school workloads and have possibly already taken other AP classes, too. These are the five main factors that determine the difficulty of an AP class. In the next sections, I’ll analyze all these factors for the AP Chemistry class and exam to give you a better idea of how much of a challenge they'll present for you. Chemistry's the one with the shapes and stuff, right? (Sorry, I can't use a screencap of Channing Tatum from 21 Jump Street for legal reasons, and I can't say the real line cuz I'm keepin' it clean. But you get the reference- or at least you do now because I overexplained it.) What Do Statistics Say About the AP Chemistry Exam? It's now time for us to determine the difficulty of AP Chemistry specifically. First off, what’s the passing rate for AP Chemistry? In 2017, the passing rate (i.e., the percent of test takers who scored 3 or higher) was 52.4%. This rate is lower than that for the AP Biology test (64.1%) and slightly higher than that for US History (50.9%). Human Geography, US History, US Government and Politics, Physics 1, and Environmental Science are the only tests that have lower passing rates than Chemistry does. This data indicates that Chemistry is a difficult test- but, as you can see, there’s an eclectic mix of different subjects with low passing rates. Passing rates don't always reflect how hard AP tests are; rather, these results represent a combination of which types of students tend to take the class and the objective complexity of the material covered. AP Environmental Science, for example, doesn’t cover super challenging concepts, but students who choose to take this AP class tend to be less intense- they might take it as a one-off AP when they’re in mostly mid-level classes otherwise. Even keeping these factors in mind, I think AP Chemistry’s low passing rate is reflective of a high level of difficulty. Usually, only the most driven students take AP Chemistry, and they’re still not passing the test at an especially high rate. We can also look at the 5 rate for the test. The 5 rate for AP Chemistry is 10.1%. Only six other AP tests have lower 5 rates. This statistic is consistent with the passing rate in terms of AP Chemistry's position among other AP tests. Because the passing rate and the 5 rate are well aligned in this way, I’m inclined to conclude that AP Chemistry is a test on the difficult end of the AP spectrum. You know, the AP spectrum. It's like the color spectrum except with no colors- only darkness and pain. Is the Content of the AP Chemistry Class Difficult? There’s a lot of material covered in AP Chemistry. The course involves memorization of complex principles, mastery of specific mathematical skills, and the ability to visualize interactions between tiny things that can only be represented abstractly. It’s similar to AP Biology in some ways, but it’s even harder to intuitively understand if you don’t know much about chemistry in the first place. Take this official AP Chemistry multiple-choice question, for example: If you haven't taken any chemistry classes, this question will be virtually incomprehensible to you (the answer is D, if you're wondering). There's a whole separate language around chemistry, with symbols and words that are almost never used in daily life- unless you're a chemist or chemical engineer. Questions on a test like AP Biology might ask about advanced concepts, but there aren't as many unfamiliar terms or new ways of thinking involved as there are on the AP Chemistry test. In general, you need a wide range of skills to succeed in chemistry, and these skills build on each other from the ground up. The foundations of the Chemistry course deal with memorizing the properties of different substances and developing an understanding of why they behave in certain ways under certain conditions. You'll use this knowledge to conduct data analysis and do calculations. To show you what I mean, here's an example of a question you might see on the Chemistry test: For part a, the conjugate base form, In-, is the predominant form of HIn in the buffer in Beaker Y. This is because the pH of the beaker (7) is greater than the pKa of HIn (5), which means that the equilibrium reaction will form a significant amount of products (In- and H3O+). For part b, the acid form of HIn predominates the aqueous layer of Beaker X since pH (3) pKa (5). HIn is a neutral molecule, so some of it can dissolve in the oil layer of Beaker X due to London dispersion interactions with the oil (which leads to the yellow color of the oil layer). The oil layer in Beaker Y, on the other hand, is colorless because In- is charged. It will mainly dissolve in the aqueous layer of Beaker Y due to ion-dipole interactions with water. This question asks students to draw on background knowledge of acids and buffer solutions to explain the chemical interactions present in a specific scenario. If you don’t understand the basic concepts of the course, you won’t be able to justify your answers to more advanced problems. The cumulative nature of AP Chemistry's wide-ranging curriculum and the complex critical-thinking skills required to answer most questions on the exam contribute to its reputation as a very challenging course. If you have cracks in your foundation, you'll have to halt construction on the monument to AP Chemistry that symbolizes your understanding of the material. Seriously, though- stop building that thing and do your real homework. Do Students Think AP Chemistry Is Hard? From personal experience, I'd say yes to this question- but ultimately it depends heavily on your aptitude for the material, the quality of your teacher, and your previous experiences with chemistry. As someone who had a terrible AP Chemistry teacher, I found it very difficult to understand the concepts I was being taught. It was especially hard because my high school didn't give us the option of taking an introductory chemistry course before AP. Students who have a stronger background in chemistry might find the class easier to get through, but AP Chemistry is still notorious for having lots of homework and challenging tests. This goes back to one of the factors listed at the beginning of this article: when students tend to take the class. Many high schoolers take AP Chemistry in their junior or senior year after taking an introductory chemistry course. The fact that even these students see AP Chemistry as a hard course validates the judgments we've made thus far about its high difficulty level. Almost every academic skill is involved. You’ll have to deal with problem sets, labs, and extensive memorization of chemical properties. The math aspect of the course includes unit conversions, reaction balancing, and other stoichiometry problems (which use relationships between reactants and products in a chemical reaction to do calculations). If math doesn’t come easily to you, AP Chemistry will be more difficult. Students have varied opinions of the class depending on how it's taught at their schools. The main response is that although it's a lot of work, it can be a rewarding experience. Everyone seems to agree that the quality of teaching has a huge impact on the difficulty level and enjoyability of the class. Here's what some students think about AP Chemistry. Quotes come from College Confidential, and all bold emphasis is mine. I took it sophomore year and it was definitely rough. However, much of that was because of the teacher. If you've already taken CP Chem, AP likely won't be as hard for you as it is for many others. I think that it is hard compared to my other classes (I am taking 5 more APs at the moment in addition to this one), and the science department practically had to beg the ten people that are in the class to take it. Behind Calc BC, Chemistry is the hardest AP at my school as well. However, it is so much fun- a great curriculum. If you love chemistry, or even have an interest in it, definitely take it. If you can look at this without feeling a wave of panic rising in your chest, you'll probably do well in AP Chemistry. Will AP Chemistry Be Hard for You? Based on what we now know about AP Chemistry, how can you determine how hard the class (and test) will be for you? Here are three actions you can take: #1: Ask Teachers and Previous Students About the Class Every school is different, so the AP Chemistry class offered at your school could be more or less demanding than those offered at other high schools. This is why it’s best to consult with people who have the inside scoop. Talk to your current science teacher to see what he or she has to say about AP Chemistry. Will you be able to handle it based on how you did in science this past year? Have students who are similar to you had trouble with AP Chemistry in the past? You can also discuss this with your guidance counselor, who should have access to additional data on how previous students fared in the class. Previous students are great resources as well. If they’ve been through the class, they can give you a better idea of how overwhelming (or underwhelming) the workload actually is. #2: Think About Your Academic Strengths and Weaknesses If you enjoy math and science and are genuinely interested in chemistry, AP Chemistry will be an easier class for you than it would be for someone who would rather never look at a math problem again. Chemistry is more technical and math-centric than AP Biology is. It’s hard to memorize or reason your way out of aspects of the content you only vaguely understand on a deeper level. If you don’t know exactly how to do a chemistry problem, it can start to look like a meaningless jumble of numbers and letters pretty quickly. If you tend to rely on memorization to do well in most subjects, AP Chemistry might be a rude awakening for you. #3: Pay Attention to Your Schedule Only you know how much effort you're willing to put into your classes. However, I can pretty much guarantee that it'll be hard for anyone to take AP Chemistry at the same time as other time-consuming classes, such as AP Biology or AP English Lit. I don't recommend taking more than two intense AP classes simultaneously (see our take on which APs are the hardest), particularly if you have lots of extracurriculars. You should also try to fit an introductory chemistry class into your schedule the year before you take AP Chemistry so that you’re well prepared! If you get to the point where you're eating whole coffee beans to stay awake, it's time to reevaluate your choices. Conclusion: Is AP Chemistry Hard? Based on the evidence I've seen, we can say that Chemistry is one of the harder AP classes. It has a low passing rate, a low 5 rate, and its content is considered pretty challenging from both an objective viewpoint and a student's perspective. Don’t let this scare you away from the subject, though. Chemistry is truly fascinating once you break through the first couple layers of understanding. You'll learn so much about how the world works and why it works that way. If you take an introductory chemistry class beforehand and are prepared to work hard, you'll be more than capable of doing well! What's Next? Still not quite sure what to expect from AP Chemistry? Read this article for more details about the structure and content of the exam. Already taking AP Chemistry and need some extra help? We go over how to balance chemical equations in this guide. Are you planning on taking SAT Subject Tests in addition to APs? Learn about the differences between these two types of tests and which scores matter more to colleges. If you're still trying to figure out your schedule, take a look at this article for advice on which AP classes you should take in high school. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Friday, November 22, 2019

SUNY at Purchase College Admissions and Acceptance Rate

SUNY at Purchase College Admissions and Acceptance Rate Students applying to SUNY at Purchase College will need to submit, along with an application, high school transcripts, SAT or ACT scores, and a personal essay. For complete instructions and information about applying, be sure to visit Purchases website, or contact the admissions office. With an acceptance rate of 44  percent, the school seems selective; still, those with good grades and test scores have a good chance of being admitted. Calculate your chances of getting in with this free tool from Cappex. Admissions Data (2016) SUNY Purchase Acceptance Rate: 44  percentGPA, SAT and ACT Graph for Purchase College AdmissionsTest Scores:  25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 500 / 610SAT Math: 470 / 570What These SAT Numbers MeanSUNY SAT Comparison TableACT Composite: 20  / 27ACT English: 21 / 29ACT Math: 19 / 26What These ACT Numbers MeanSUNY ACT Comparison Table SUNY at Purchase College Description The State University of New York Purchase College occupies a 550-acre campus in Westchester Country, just 35 miles from New York City. The college is unique among the SUNY schools because of its strong conservatory-based arts programs. The college wins high marks for both the arts and the liberal arts and sciences. Purchase College also ranks highly for its educational value. Few high quality conservatory programs come with such low tuition for either in-state or out-of-state applicants. The college is selective, and enrolled students can expect an intense undergraduate experience. The campus is residential with 65 percent of students living on campus, and student life is active with a wide range of clubs, organizations, and intramural sports. On the intercollegiate athletic front, the Purchase College Panthers compete in the NCAA Division III Skyline Conference. Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 4,156  (4,053 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 44 percent male / 56 percent female91  percent full-time Costs (2016-17) Tuition and Fees: $8,298  (in-state); $18,148  (out-of-state)Books: $1,298  (why so much?)Room and Board: $12,952Other Expenses: $3,215Total Cost: $25,763  (in-state); $35,613 (out-of-state) Purchase College Financial Aid (2015-16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 88  percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 58 percentLoans: 55 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $7,153Loans: $6,558 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors:  Art History, Dance, Drama, English, Film Production, History, Journalism, Liberal Arts, Music, Psychology, Visual and Performing ArtsWhat major is right for you?  Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation, Retention and Transfer Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 81 percentTransfer Out Rate: 25  percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 53  percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 62  percent Learn About Other SUNY Campuses: Albany  |  Alfred State  |  Binghamton  |  Brockport  |  Buffalo  |  Buffalo State  |  Cobleskill  |  Cortland  |  Env. Science/Forestry  |  Farmingdale  |  FIT  |  Fredonia  |  Geneseo  |  Maritime  |  Morrisville  |  New Paltz  |  Old Westbury  |  Oneonta  |  Oswego  |  Plattsburgh  |  Polytechnic  |  Potsdam  |  Purchase  |  Stony Brook If You Like SUNY Purchase, You May Also Like These Schools: Hofstra University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphNew York University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphIthaca College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphAlfred University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphSyracuse University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphHunter College (CUNY): Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBrooklyn College (CUNY): Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphEmerson College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphAdelphi University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphQueens College (CUNY): Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Sports   Mens Varsity: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, VolleyballWomens Varsity: Basketball, Cross Country, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Voleyball Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Using psychological skills training to develop soccer performance Essay

Using psychological skills training to develop soccer performance - Essay Example The aforementioned intervention program was comprised of relaxation, imagery and self-talk on position specific performance measures. Using a multiple-baseline across individuals design, five participants had three performance subcomponents assessed across nine competitive matches. The results of the study indicated the position specific intervention to enable at least small improvements on the three dependent variables for each participant. Social validation data indicated all participants to perceive the intervention as being successful and appropriate to their needs. Following a discursive analysis of the data, the research findings are presented. The findings provide further evidence to suggest the efficacy of sport, and position-specific interventions. Despite interest in applied psychology, evidenced in the increase in the studies examining the efficacy of psychological skills on sporting performance (e.g., Patrick & Hrycaiko, 1998; Rogerson & Hrycaiko, 2002; Thelwell & Greenlees, 2003), knowledge remains limited. Limitation has been determined by the scarcity of studies on the efficacy of psychological skills within an open skilled, team sport setting (Kendall, Hrycaiko, Martin, & Kendall, 1990; McPherson, 2000). Consequently, the present study sought to address the aforementioned shortcoming through the articulation of a role specific intervention for soccer midfielders, while examining the intervention's efficacy on role specific subcomponents, such as the execution of successful tackles, the completion of successful passes, and ability to control the ball (Luongo, 1996). Of the few studies which have examined the pertinence of psychological skills to sporting performance, only a minority has examined performance sub-components. Using a multiple-baseline design across subjects, Swain and Jones (1995) applied a goal setting intervention targeting specific basketball subcomponents. Each participant's performance subcomponents were assessed through the first half of the competitive season. Mid-season, participants were requested to select one performance subcomponent which they perceived beneficial to improvement. Using goal setting approaches to the targeted behavior, 3 of the 4 participants experienced improvement in their targeted area. No changes were evident in non-targeted behaviors. The practical implication was that while psychological skills benefit performance, performers cannot transfer acquired skills to alternative situations without understanding the how and why of their targeted utilization. Identification of the varying requirements of soccer midfielders is prerequisite to the utilization of psychological skills intervention. A primary requirement is the ability to cover great distances within 90-minutes, as supported by numerous scientific studies (e.g., Reilly, 1996; Rienzi, Drust, Reilly, Carter & Martin, 2000). Studies on elite English Premier League midfield soccer players confirm the necessity of the capacity to run approximately 12,000m per match (Strudwick & Reilly, 2001)., consequent to midfielders being required to both link the defensive and forward and act as both offensive and defensive when, and as, required. A soccer midfielder is further required to carry out complex motor skills, to possess finely tuned perceptual skills and to have advanced decision-making skills. As activity is prolonged, fatigue sets in and skill command becomes difficult (Taylor, 1995). The exigencies of exploring relaxation

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Two articles on globalization of healthcare Article

Two articles on globalization of healthcare - Article Example The analysis of the budget of the healthcare systems seeks to determine whether there is an effective enough control system to account for the allocation of federal funds into medical centers across the country. The major sources of funding are through accounts of medical support, compliance and medical facilities. Allocation of funds for training of the healthcare workforce. Due to an increased number in populations who are aged, higher rates of disease and an increase in the number of people who are insured, the number of physicians and doctors available need to be increased. This is in direct contrast to the proposals in Congress to reduce the federal funds allocated to the training of medical workforce. Federal, state and private funds are allocated to the training of Medicare professionals. The allocation of these funds is through commissions such as Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, the national budget and the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. These f unds are divided into direct payment for the salaries of resident and supervising physicians, and the indirect payments to assist in alleviating costs of sustaining a training program. Canada The provincial governments in Canada allocate a considerable amount of their annual budgets into healthcare and the hard economic times has laid financial strains on the allocation of funds into healthcare. This crisis in funding has posed a restraint in the preservation of national principles of healthcare such as free access and universality. Additionally, it has brought to question some of the healthcare provisions, imposed user fees and cost sharing between the public and private sectors. Funds are allocated in the healthcare department based on their effectiveness in treating, diagnosing and improving health considerably with comparison to the quantity of invested resources. The country uses an effective dimension of the economy in which the efficiency of various healthcare methods are eva luated by the government to determine the method that is more economical and benefits more. They assess the effectiveness of a solution based on research on healthcare for example two drugs that have similar or equal effect and serve the same purpose in treating a particular illness are evaluated and the more effective choice of the two is selected. The effective choice would be the one that treats faster and have fewer side effects and in the cost concept, the more effective drug would be the one that generally costs less. The government use committees to evaluate medical practice methods practiced by physicians to reduce the number of excessive practices such as full or partial examinations, house calls and diagnostic tests. These differences between the allocation methods in the United States and in Canada could be attributed to the amount of amount of revenue available in the governments’ budget available for allocation in the health care systems. The funds available in C anada are more strained as compared to the United States and hence the amount of funds to be allocated differ. Article 2 The United States health care system in addition to aiding in combating the travelers’ diseases such as Hepatitis and tuberculosis, should devote their resources to assist other countries in combating other health issues

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Explain how the mechanicals bring humour into the play Essay Example for Free

Explain how the mechanicals bring humour into the play Essay The mechanicals in A Midsummer Nights Dream are the group of actors that bring most of the comedy to the play. This is done by the mechanicals resembling the more unintelligent group out of the four featured in A Midsummer Nights Dream. In the book, the mechanicals are called the Clowns. This implies that they are always fooling around; never getting any work done and maybe making people laugh. Maybe Shakespeare called them the Clowns because they convey most of the humour towards the audience in A Midsummer Nights Dream. However, the mechanicals play near the end of A Midsummer Nights Dream is a serious play; where they do not mess around as they do in the rest of the book. This might suggest that the name Shakespeare gave to the actors (Clowns) does not imply all that it is supposed to. From the start we establish that Bottom takes his role as a leader and we notice that others look up to him as if they are respecting his authority. One of the characters names (Bottom) sounds rude now, but back when the play was first performed the word bottom meant courageous. Nick Bottom comes across in A Midsummer Nights Dream as thunderous, friendly, and a little over-confident. He comes across to the other actors in the mechanicals as dumb or dull, insecure and irritating (e. g. when Bottom wants to play all the parts in the play And I may hide my face, let me play Thisbe too! Ill speak in a monstrous little voice). Bottom also says that he will play every part in their play flawlessly, and that he can act every single part. Instead, when Bottom is rehearsing his part in the play, he messes everything up (pronouncing words wrong Odious instead of odorous) and he forgets lines. In the end, he just plays Pyramus. The way the mechanicals bring humour into A Midsummer Nights Dream is mainly through Nick Bottom. Bottom is the fool in the play; always getting things wrong. Bottom comes across as a little dumb; maybe eccentric. He gets his words wrong, comes up with feeble ideas, and has a spell put on him by Puck. The spell transforms Bottoms head into an asss head. I think it would convey more humour to A Midsummer Nights Dream by having Bottom transform into an ass entirely. Near the end of A Midsummer Nights Dream, in act 5 scene 1, the mechanicals act out their play. Many things bring humour into A Midsummer Nights Dream at this point. Peter Quince tells the audience that the lion is not a lion, but Snug the joiner. The audience would know that the lion is not a real lion, as it is just common sense. When Snug is playing the part of the lion, Snug doesnt want to scare the audience so the actor roars as softly as he can. Snug also explains that he is not really a lion, but playing the part of a lion. This may mean that when the play was performed, being a lion was a disgrace, or an insult. The result of Snug explaining that he is not really a lion, but playing the part of, is that he will not be shamed after the play, or be booed by Theseus. After Snug is finished explaining the he is not a lion, he earns approval from Lysander, Theseus and Demetrius (the stage audience). Shakespeare uses language to create moods and atmosphere within the characters, and also make the characters think how they are feeling. The main mood created in of A Midsummer Nights Dream is that of humour. He creates these moods by the descriptive writing he uses in his sentences. His sentences are well structured, and he chooses the places well where he makes the characters speak in prose and verse. For instance, when the mechanicals are talking casually together, they speak in verse; when acting out their play in front of the duke, they speak in prose. Some of the misunderstandings of the mechanicals are when Puck puts the spell on Bottom. Quince says O monstrous! O strange! We are haunted! Pray, masters, fly, masters! Help! This shows that they are unsure of what to think of Bottom, and Bottom is oblivious to the fact that he has an asses head on him. Instead Bottom starts singing (to show that he id not afraid of what they are saying to him). This in turn wakes Titania up, who has had the love juice put on her eyes. As she wakes up, she instantly falls in love with Bottom. This is reminiscent of the fact that of A Midsummer Nights Dreams main mood it creates is that of humour and that it is mainly the mechanicals that are involved in, or create the humour.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Cat and his Master Essay examples -- Puss in Boots Folk Tales Essa

The Cat and his Master Puss in Boots is a strange little folk tale in which a talking cat performs deeds of heroism in order to further his master's lot in life. It is saddled with a moral which implies that through hard work and ingenuity one can rise above his station. This hardly seems to be the case, however, when we look at the contributions made by the miller's youngest son and master of the puss himself. Furthermore, the symbolism peppered throughout the tale would seem to indicate that there is more going on. The tale begins with the death of a miller, who leaves his sole possessions to his three sons. The youngest of the sons winds up with nothing but what he believes to be a lowly cat, which he is convinced will be good only for a meal and a muff. The young man begins the story in a passive hopelessness, bemoaning the fact that he received the least of his father's goods in his inheritance, and he retains this passivity throughout. He never makes any contribution to his own well-being, beyond his initial decision not to eat the cat, and to let the cat demonstrate his cunning and deceitful skills. He lets the cat do all of the thinking and all of the work. He even becomes the "Marquis of Carabas" at the whim of the puss, and follows all of the cat's instructions, including swimming nude when the cat directs him. He doesn't even ask for an explanation. The moral states that "hard work and ingenuity will take a young man further than his father's money," but the young man certainly shows n o signs of hard work nor ingenuity. In fact, he seems to be an icon for naivety and blind faith. This does not, however, mean that the moral is wrong. There are several aspects of this story which take folk tale conventions and turn ... ...ter. He traps animals and delivers them to a person of power, displaying his ability to negotiate. He puts a plan into action that will place his master in a position of power and manipulates the peasants to back up that plan. He craftily dupes the ogre into using his incredible powers against himself. In all of these instances we see evidence of the underdog using his wits and cunning to overcome the odds and be in control of the world around him, an idea that must have had appeal to people with little or no control of the events in their lives. Indeed, it is an idea that still has appeal today. Works Cited Darnton, Robert The Great Cat Massacre Perrault, Charles. "Puss in Boots." Folk & Fairy Tales Comp. Martin Hallett and Barbara Karasek. 2nd ed. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview, 1996. 94-97.

Monday, November 11, 2019

History of Security in the United States Essay

Abstract Security in America has evolved from the time of the first settlers to today’s well-trained forces. Factors leading to the significant growth of private security from pre-Civil War to post World War II consisted of a lack of public police and large monetary loss by private industry. Today, security is global and faces challenges and changes, with increases in terrorism and technology crimes. It must maintain a high level of professionalism and maintain technological innovation remain a respected industry. History of Security in the United States Nineteenth Century The nineteenth century saw the private security industry fill in many of the gaps left by public law enforcement in both manpower and ingenuity. The development of public police forces was slow in the infancy of the United States. In the latter half of the 1800’s, police departments were fragmented, decentralized and often corrupt, creating a need for private security. The American frontier saw an extreme shortage of law enforcement, as they had to resort to deputizing civilians and forming posses. Citizens often had to resort to vigilante justice due to a lack of law enforcement. In 1850, Henry Wells and William Fargo established American Express and Wells Fargo cargo companies and in 1851 Allen Pinkerton established the first national private security and investigations service (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 10). Pinkerton provided security and investigative service to the railroad, offered private detective services and was actually the intelligence arm of the Union Army during the first half of the Civil War. In 1853 August Perry patented the first burglar alarm followed by Edwin Holmes in 1858, who produced the first central station burglar alarm. That same year, Washington Perry Brinks introduced the armored carriage for the transportation of valuables and money (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 10). Twentieth Century The quelling of labor unrest brought about a poor reputation to private security leading up to the Great Depression. Decades earlier, industries such as manufacturing, transportation and mining turned to agencies like Pinkerton for not only asset protection, but also to combat labor violence and break strikes. There were numerous violent incidents involving strikes resulting in civilian injury, deaths and job losses. One incident in particular was the Homestead Strike of 1892 in Pennsylvania, which culminated in a gun battle between Pinkerton agents and the strikers (Lipson, 1988). Incidents such as this eventually led to private security being viewed as ‘Knights of Capitalism’ by the public. Security companies were banned from carrying weapons and crossing state lines to break strikes in some states (Joh, 2006). There was a decline in the employment of private security during the Great Depression. According to The HUB, â€Å"There seems to be some controversy as to whe n the first proprietary security forces arose, but many sources attribute Henry Ford as the man who refined ‘in house’ security to factory work. As the automobile gained popularity so the industries providing the necessary materials for the factories producing them across the nation needed and utilized private security personnel. With the high unemployment and possibility of crime due to the Great Depression, private security further embedded itself within industry† (Hub pages, There was an expansion of private security leading up to and during World War II due to infrastructure, military and industrial security concerns. Post World War II saw an increase in the professionalism of private security, as returning veterans with military police experience began to seek employment in the security industry. Anti-espionage procedures established by the government during World War II carried over into the Cold War era, with the government insisting on a quality security force and plans, to protect defense contractors and government assets. The private security industry followed the government’s lead, thus entering the era of the security manager (Hub pages, The security industry increased in size in the mid twentieth century, as did the crime rate and police were unable to protect private property. Many organizations realized the value of protecting their personnel and property during this time. In 1955, the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) was formed and today is the world’s largest organization of security professionals. ASIS continues to formulate security policy and direct security programs in a vast number of businesses, industries and government operations (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 11-12). In 1970, private security continued to grow and matched the number of police personnel at 500,000. In 1976, the Task Force Report on Private Security was published and it was addressed for the first time that private security was an essential element to public safety. The Task Force recommended that the private sector be encouraged to nurture and improve the quality of security services and work with law enforcement to fight crime. This created an environment that saw the security industry continue to grow due to concerns over increased crime and limited law enforcement resources. By 1991, the number of security personnel had nearly tripled that of law enforcement and by the year 2000, private security personnel numbers rose to two million, clearly showing private security is the primary protective service (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 6-7, 13). Future The private security industry has made giant steps since the nineteenth century. It is clear from history that the private security industry must continue to complement the public police forces by providing innovative and needed support to industry and government. It must maintain and constantly improve upon its procedures and training, to keep the respect of the public, which it currently commands. It must above all remain one step ahead in today’s technological world, as M. Lipson (1988) stated, â€Å"The history of the ancient craft of private security may be illustrative of opportunities for those of the industry with foresight† (Lipson, 1988). It is crucial private security continue with its current expertise in antiterrorism and computer security operations. It is also imperative private security continue to foster the close, post-911relationships that were developed with law enforcement, from federal to state to local police agencies, to successfully move into th e future. References Joh, E.E. (2006). The Forgotten Threat: Private Policing and the State. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 13(2), 364. Lipson, M. (1988). Private Security: A Retrospective. Annals Of The American Academy Of Political & Social Science, 49811-22. Ortmeirer, P.J. (2009). Introduction to Security. Prentice Hall. The Hub (2009). (Hub pages,

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Muti-racial success in schools

It is interesting to note the results of Grace Kao’s study of a multi-racial group of high school students with focused on how students from different races varied their measurement or definition of success. Individuals have set criteria, which over the years served as the standards in perceiving how one student can consider himself or herself successful. Students have classified their classmates belonging to different race and create mindsets based from physical differences like skin color and from natural origin or based from cultural characteristics. Changing or modifying student’s perception on success will not be an easy thing. The educator must consider the existing perceptions, skills, and knowledge of the students in attempt to modify their meaning of success. Every student must be encouraged to discover his or her potential and make use of it to the fullest. Academic institutions should have well rounded programs that will cater to and showcase the students’ unique abilities. In this manner, they will realize that being academically successful does not only pertain to passing a course, attaining high grades, receiving awards, or earning good jobs but more importantly, success is using potentials to their fullest and being satisfied with their performances. It must also be clear to them that an individual can be considered successful regardless of race or ethnicity. There should also be avenues for knowledge and skills sharing among multi-racial students. In this manner, they will develop appreciation of what they can offer and what others can share with them.   Healthy competition and respect for individuality must be consistently promoted. There is nothing wrong with multi-racial students setting their own standards of success, but these perceptions should not limit them from being truly successful in life. The challenge for educators is how to create a learning atmosphere that can motivate students to do away with stereotyping based from race and ethnicity and to treat one’s self as a unique individual with a set goal in his or her academics to be successful. References Kao, G. (2000). Group Images and Possible Selves Among Adolescents: Linking Stereotypes to Expectations by Race and Ethnicity, Sociological Forum, Vol 15 no 3, 2000. Retrieved, April 17, 2007, from Race and Ethnicity. Retrieved, April 17, 2007, from Wikipedia. Perception. Retrieved, April 17, 2007, from

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Singapore Road Traffic Control essays

Singapore Road Traffic Control essays SINGAPORES ROAD TRAFFIC CONTROL As vehicle numbers grow, cities around the world face serious road traffic congestion problems. On some major roads can be so bad that speeds are 10 km/h or lower, slower than a bicycle. The costs include lost work and leisure time, increased fuel consumption, air pollution, health problems, stress, and discomfort. Furthermore, congestion slows the movement of goods and services, adding to the price of products and reducing the competitiveness of business. This essay will examine three of the policies implemented by the government to control road traffic in Singapore. One obvious way to discourage private car usage in Singapore is to provide an efficient and convenient public transport system. Singapore invested, in the past decade, S$ 7.5 billion in its transportation sector, of which S$ 5.2 billion was on the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), rail and public transport, and S$ 2.3 billion was on roads. The extensive MRT network encourages commuters to utilize the rail rather than private cars. The network is spread across the island covering key constituencies and areas of interest. The current construction of North-East MRT Line will link the World Trade Centre with the new housing estates of Sengkang and Punggol. In addition, Singapore aims to have 75 per cent of all trips made by public transport (50 per cent now). For this reason, bus fares have been kept reasonable. The extensive setting up of feeder services assists the public in taking them from an MRT station to their destination. One can now travel not only cheaply but in comfort too. Another one of the policies that helps the government in controlling road traffic in Singapore, is the Electronic Road Pricing (ERP). Under this system, when a vehicle approaches ERP gantries, charges are deducted automatically from stored-value cards that are slotted into an in-vehicle unit. Being intelligent and more use-friendly, the ERP syste...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Compare abd contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Compare abd contrast - Essay Example ference in the way these people eat, drink, dress, hang out, meet with new and known people, and bury their known ones as well as their day-to-day activities which vary a great deal when one thinks of them in a broader context. Hence the comparison holds solid ground due to the fact that these people, both from the American nation and the Saudi Arabian territories known how distinct and different they are from each other and it is good to know one’s strengths and weaknesses beforehand. The similarities exist within their nationalism and the attitude with which both the societies echo their voices in favor of the patriotism myth. Religion is pretty intrinsic to a culture of a society and in broader sense to a country where its different people carry out their rituals and activities in accordance with the customs and traditions as dictated by their respective religions. Same is the case for the two countries under study here which are basically being compared. United States is a much more developed nation that Saudi Arabia while the latter is an oil-rich state and fundamentally more than 90% of its inhabitants are pre-dominantly Muslims. While the super power nation of the world is more or less comprised of nearly all ethnicities that are found elsewhere, where one can find blacks known as the Afro Americans, the Asians consisting of Indians and Pakistanis mainly and so on and so forth. On the whole, United States of America has a lot of diversity has far as its single basic culture identification is concerned and hence the people obviously practice different religions in accordance with their beliefs and con victions. This paper discusses the comparison between America and Saudi Arabia in terms of their cultural values and religious bases. If one looks at the American distribution of people who have religion apart from that of Christianity, one finds that around 2% of them are Jews, 0.5% are Muslims while similar is the ratio for Buddhists. This accounts for the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Trade without borders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Trade without borders - Essay Example It can also be stated that tariffs and trade in the national territories of these two economies have profoundly affected their business activities through various channels of commodity specifications, technology assistances as well as the benefits of influx socio-cultural diversities (Hornok, â€Å" Trade Without Borders: Trade Effect of EU Accession by Central and Eastern European Countries†). The paper intends to discuss on the advantages and disadvantages of trade without borders by analyzing the available relevant information in relation to the trade affairs performed within Canada and the US. The paper also aims to provide recommendations to small business owners in obtaining the complete benefits of trade liberalization. Undoubtedly, in the present day context, international trade activities play a crucial role in determining economic growth through capital inflows. Cross-border trade liberalization has also been considered as strongly influencing in relation to the labor migration activities and business cycles of the economy. From a critical perspective, the initiatives to eradicate borders when liberalizing trade render greater opportunity of growth to the traders in a less risky business environment. This in turn serves as a supportive attribute towards economic growth and sustainability at large (Caporale and Girardi, ‘Business Cycles, International Trade and Capital Flows: Evidence from Latin America’; LSE, ‘International Trade and International Capital Flows: A Theoretical Perspective’). The liberalized trade activities practiced in the developed economic structure of Canada can be illustrated with reference to increasing amount of exports to various regions of the US, especially from the small business sector of the nation. Stating precisely, the survey conducted by Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) also stated that trade practices are mostly performed by small business